(661) 255-2971

25876 The Old Road #136
Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381

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Copyright © 2014-2025
Paradise Mountain
Church International 
All Rights Reserved



Paradise Mountain Church International is a local church with regular meetings, where we worship the Lord, teach the Bible, pray for the sick, and minister to the needy, elderly and widows.

We celebrate the love of Jesus with all people and welcome them into our family no matter what race, ethnicity, or where they are on their spiritual journey.






Paul McGuire is the author of 38 books including "Power From On High", "The Greatest Battle," "Conquering The Matrix," "Mass Awakening," "A Prophecy of the Future of America 2016-2017," which reveals the events soon coming and already taking place in America.

The church was never called to hide behind the four walls of a church building. It is supposed to act as a battering ram smashing down the gates of hell in order to set the captives free!

..."I will build my church: and the gates of hell shall not prevail against." Matthew 16:18

The true church of Jesus Christ is filled with power from on High from the Holy Spirit and they walk in supernatural love because God is Love. The true church also walks faithfully in the truth simultaneously because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and Truth never ever conflicts with the Word of God. Jesus Christ has given all true believers...

“the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19